Big Fish Audio Indie Rock Collection Vol.2 音色素材 英文正式版(DVD一片裝)
Indie: Rock Collection from Big Fish Audio and Majorn9ne is back with this
all new second volume. These 10 construction kits pick up right where
volume 1 left off with tons of authentic loops in the styles of today's most
groundbreaking indie artists. You'll certainly appreciate the expertly
crafted guitar tones, punchy drums, and driving basses paired along with
undeniably catchy background vocals, acoustics guitars, and a lot more. All
in all, there is 4.6 GB of content (2.2 GB of original 24-bit WAV content)
that includes all the multi-track drums broken out separately, which allows
for completely custom drum mixes. Whether you're looking for just a bit of
inspiration or the foundation for your next indie rock hit, you've come to
the right place.
This product is part of Big Fish Audio's KLI series which includes a custom
Kontakt interface. The Kontakt format includes patches of each loop.
Customize each loop with the "sliced loops" patches. The Sliced Loop patches
lay out each individual slice of a loop across the keyboard, making it easy
to create new and original custom parts. The "Kit Combos" allow you to
arrange full construction kits quickly and easily with a custom mixer and a
host of included fx. Create, arrange, tweak, and mix all within the Kontakt
The KLI version of this product comes with the KLI 2.0 update and comes in
both Kontakt 4 and Kontakt 5 versions. For those with the full version of
Kontakt 5, take advantage of the new high quality and extremely flexible
new time stretching algorithm as well as a bunch of new included FX.